How To Look After Your Beard

How To Look After Your Beard

St Patrick's Day is coming up and if you have been growing your beard to match the festival then congratulations. Facial hair is something roughly only 25% are unable to grow. Some men can't grow facial hair and some women can grow facial hair. It depends on your family and their genes. If you are able to grow a beard and have taken upon that journey, you may have realized that it's not as easy as it seems to be. Even if you want to maintain and grow your beard you still have to trim it and look after it. If you want some grooming tips to have a good beard growth then you can check out these beard grooming tips and products to use on your hair.

Hair growth is something that a lot of men want when it comes to growing a beard, some may want to look like Hagrid with a great big beard, some may want to have more of a suave stubble look like Chris Hemsworth does, it completely depends on the person. However these products are something that every guy should look into purchasing when growing a beard. No matter the length basic beard care is necessary.

1. Beard Oil

Keeping a good means looking after your beard. Beard Oil is perfect for using to hydrate your hair and it helps to hydrate the skin underneath the beard as well. It's always good to check whether or not the beard oil contains silicone as silicone is known for masking dry hair as well as split ends and it doesn't actually condition the hair it just looks like the hair is conditioned.

2. Beard Balm

Beard Balm also moisturizes your beard however balm or utility balm as some may call it, is better for those who have larger beards and takes longer to absorb. The balm is longer-lasting and has enough hold that will comb down stubborn stray hairs.

3. Beard Combs and Beard Brush

Combs and brushes are an important way of making sure that your beard doesn't go off in any direction. Using combs and brushes keeps your hair in one area and doesn't rip out the necessary hairs you need. The brushes and combs are perfect for getting rid of any dead hairs as well as being able to shape it into the style you want.

4. Beard scissors or trimmers

When it comes to styling your hair it's always important to make it look right, you want it to match your face. With scissors and trimmers you can easily get rid of unruly hair that won't budge even after balm or oil, and you can give it the shape you want.

5. Beard Wash

Beard Hair is just like regular hair, if you don't wash it then it can become greasy and it will be more likely that your hair will fall out. It's important to wash your beard for the hair and the skin underneath. You should wash your beard roughly 2-3 times a week (which is the recommended time for washing any hair), it depends how your hair reacts to leaving it for that space of time, if your hair is incredibly bad you can wash it more frequently (it depends on your body chemistry). It's important to not use regular shampoo because it will dry out your beard and the skin underneath it, using beard wash is the best way to make sure the beard lasts longer and is as healthy as it can be.

6. Moustache Wax

So a moustache is different to a beard, because a moustache is closer to your mouth you need to be careful what you put on your moustache so you don't get any bad reactions. Whether you have a full beard or just a moustache it is important to use a different wax when focusing on the upper lip. Moustache wax is designed to be just as strong holding as beard balm's but with softer ingredients so there's a lighter chance of you having a reaction.

So now you have your products how exactly are you going to maintain your beard? Beard maintenance is one of those things that most men will learn is incredibly important when you are wanting to grow an almighty beard. Here are a few step's that we think are good to follow;

1. Don't Touch

For the first 4-6 weeks it's important to not do anything to your beard. Resist the urge to get your beard trimmer out and shave it all off. The first 4-6 weeks are the most crucial as it allows the hairs to grow in evenly. Men's hairs grow differently so some people may find there hair is growing faster and some may not, however it's important to be patient and to not touch the beard for the first 4-6 weeks. You may find you have a patchy beard but if you're patient then hopefully the rest of the hair will eventually grow.

2. Beard Shape

Your beard shape depends on the shape of your face, you have to match it to your face, maybe take a photo straight on and see what style you want, if you're going for the full beard then you need to find a style that will go with your face shape. It's like choosing a hairstyle once you know what you like and what looks good on your, its easy to look after.

3. Trimming

After your beard has started coming through it's important to trim excess parts you don't want. If you find unruly hair's, you can trim them. You can even get a beard trimmer to take care of your beard, if you want a slim beard this would be the quickest way to look after it. However always go careful when trimming away parts of your beard, because once it's gone it will take roughly 4-6 weeks to regrow, meaning you could have mis-shaped areas.

4. Wash it regularly

As explained before, washing your beard is incredibly important when you are wanting to grow a beard, it keeps the hair nutritious and hydrated, and washing your beard allows the dead hairs to come out easily rather than getting stuck in the rest of the hair.

5. Choose the right oil

Choosing the right beard oil can be quite difficult a lot of different beard oils do different things, or they just don't quite for your beard. Once you find the beard oil you love, it will work and you will use it forever after that.

6. Train your beard

It sounds unusual however maintaining your beard, trimming certain areas will keep your beard in line. Your hair will know areas to not grown in, and it will become easier the longer you have your beard to tame your beard.

7. Moustache's are just as important

It's important to not forget your moustache because you can easily get hooked into looking after your beard that you don't think about your moustache. However that hair is slightly different and may need certain care, like Moustache wax to keep it in shape. All of your facial hair is important not just the beard.

8. Diet

This is actually a really serious suggestion, beard's progression is helped by protein, fat and essential vitamins (B3, B5 & B9)that means that if your serious about growing a beard try to adjust your diet to allow your beard to have the best opportunity to grow.

Just remember not everyone can grow a beard, there's no way to show how to grow a beard, because it comes down to your genes and if you're family can't grow one chances are you won't be able to either.

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