Why You Need To Stop Throwing Scalding Hot Coffee On Your Face

Why You Need To Stop Throwing Scalding Hot Coffee On Your Face

Sure, we’re all guilty of throwing hot coffee at our faces from time to time. Be it in the morning, when at home because you have a severe drinking problem, or out in public as you’re trying your best to be a trendsetter.

Or at work whilst in a meeting with your boss about your behaviour in the office, and you do it whilst shouting “Wu-Tang Clan aint nuthin to fuk wit!” as a way to mark your dominance as the alpha within the workplace hierarchy. They may get paid more, but now they know you mean business so you’re the real winner. Plus, no one wants to be the boss that fired the guy who’s got 3rd-degree burns on his face and is currently screaming in agony.

That’s what I call a win-win.

Look at all that lovely hot, face scaring, coffee

But let’s be honest, unless you plan to start living under an opera house and kidnapping high society girls, whom you will awkwardly serenade with the best tracks from “Now That's What I Call Organ Music 69’’, this practice is not doing your skin any good. Does this mean we’re gonna have to give up our direct caffeine application ways, for the good of our grooming regime?

Not necessarily…..

Thanks to recent developments within the grooming industry, we’re seeing a rise in the number of shaving products that come infused with the goodness of caffeine. And it’s more than just a ‘look at us and our kooky products’ marketing ploy. It actually works. Thanks to science.

Thanks to the extremely small size of caffeine molecules, when applied to the skin in the form of a shaving cream, a high percentage of the caffeine molecules will easily be able to work there way through your skin and be absorbed into your bloodstream.

From here the Caffeine molecules will work to safely lessen the blood flow around the shaving area. What does this mean? This means you see a noticeable reduction in the amount of redness your skin produces when shaving.

Normally the body will increase blood flow around the shaving area when you shave, as a sort of defence mechanism, but it's not really necessary. Restricting the blood flow won’t cause any bad side effects, just stops your skin becoming so very red, and ruining your complexion. By extension, this reduction in redness means you’ll also a noticeable reduction in razor rashes that occur after shaving. Won’t fix my horribly scarred skin annoyingly.

Caffeine is also rich in antioxidants. With these antioxidants working so deeply into your skin, you’ll be helping your body to better promote the growth of naturally healthy skin. And whilst it probably won't be enough to replace your morning cup of joe, you likely will notice a little energising boost during your early morning shaving routine, to better propel you into a day free of horrible burns (yo mama got a fat ass) and wasted coffee.

Forgetting how to pour coffee is a really good way of stoping yourself throwing it in your face

If these caffeine-rich shaving products have peaked your interest we recommend you check out Pacific Shaving Co’s new range of Caffeinated Shaving Creams. Not only are they rich in Caffeine, they’re also formulated with plenty of other skin nourishing ingredients such as Aloe and Spearmint. To top it all off they’re paraben free, they have no synthetic fragrances, they’re not tested on animals, and they use a highly concentrated formula, for a longer lasting product.

There are also a few skincare products that take a little inspiration from our caffeinated drinks.

Compagnie De Provence Black and White line features a range of skin nourishing products that are infused with the citrusy overtones of white tea and the more indulgent deeper notes of black tea.

Men Rock’s Sicilian Lime and Caffeine Awakening Beard Soap will infuse your beard with some en vigorating aromas and keep soft, clean and refreshed.

While both these products largely use caffeine as an aroma rather than an active ingredient to nourish your skin, they each do provide their own skin loving benefits, and I doubt you’ll have any problem with the sense-awakening smell the caffeine provides.

Here's hoping someone makes a monster energy drink scented soap soon. Because we all crave to smell like pre-teen angst don’t we.

Don’t we?.

Sure applying these products isn't gonna give you the same thrill and sense of danger/downright stupidity that a nice steaming hot mug of coffee will. But to be honest guys, I'm starting to think all those times I did soak my face in coffee hotter than the devil's butthole on a warm day, weren’t actually worth it. I think I'm actually starting to regret it.

Maybe I should do it a couple more times just to be sure.

Hear me out on this one...

Throwing hot coffee on your face is a great way of establishing dominance in the workplace, but despite benefits caffeine can bring, its not doing your skin a world of good.

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